Grammatica Linguae Persicae accedunt dialogi, historiae, sententiae, et narrationes Persicae.

Dombay, Franz Lorenz von.

Book ID: 31925


4to. [4], 114 pp., Latin & Persian text, modern half-calf, damp stain affecting inner margins of first four leaves, scattered foxing, heavier on first and last leaves, few pencil annotations on a couple of pages, Apud Albertum Camesina, Vindobonae, first edition, 1804.


Dombay, an Austrian dragoman who resided in Morocco from 1783 to 1788 where he diligently studied the language and the literature. From 1792 he served as a border dragoman in Croatia and interpreter to the Emperor of Austria. Among his important works is “ Grammatica Linguæ Mauro-Arabicæ “ Vienna 1800, also a history of the kings of Mauritania, a history of the Sharifs of Morocco and a description of the gold, silver and leather used in Morocco.

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