Multicultural Urban Fabric and Types in the South and Eastern Mediterranean.
Cerasi, Maurice; Attilio Petruccioli; Adriana Sarro & Stefan Weber (Editors).
Contents: Introduction. La fabrique urbaine et architecturale de Galata, quartier occidental d`Istanbul; Nur Akin. Foreign influences on residential architecture of Turkey in the late Empire and early Republican periods; Inci Aslanoglu. Timbuktu the city of multiculturalism: A dream for explorers without fixed homes and fixed homes for explorers; Mauro Bertagnin and Daniela Deperini. The Kampos of Chios: A comparative study of multicultural blend in architectural type and urban fabric; Emiliano Bugatti and Sabrina D`Agostino. The multicultural town form in the North-Eastern Mediterranean: conflict and harmony; Maurice Cerasi. Mode de vie des residents occidentaux a Alep et modifications de leurs espaces domestiques dans les khans; Jean-Claude David. Sheltering diversity: Levantine architecture in late Ottoman Istanbul; Paolo Girardelli. Traditional settlements in East Vermion – Greece: Environment and urban form; Nikos Kalogirou. Designing a multi-cultural landscape: The case of the reconstruction of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Attilio Petruccioli. Historic Tunis and modern Sicily-two examples of urban multicultural exchange; Adriana Sarro. Changing cultural references: Architecture of Damascus in the Ottoman period (1516-1918); Stefan Weber. Moroccan Urbanism: A case study in colonial and post-colonial métissage; Diana Wylie. Typologie et mutations des quartiers de commerce traditionnel dans les villes de la Méditerranée Orientale; Alexandra Yerolympos.