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Firuzabadi, Muhammad bin Ya'qub al- (1326-1414 CE)

4to. Arabic text, 410, 415, 416, 420 pp., contemporary quarter sheep, rubbed at spine and corners, titles gilt on raised…


Al-Yaziji, Nassif.

8vo. 317 pp., Arabic text within borders, edited by his son Ibrahim al-Yaziji, contemporary half calf with marbled boards, lightly…


Thatcher, Rev G. W.

12mo. 99 pp., English & Arabic text, publisher’s original wrappers, faded at spine, fifth edition, revised and corrected by H.…


Ingham, Bruce.

8vo. 2 pp., English text, publisher’s stapled wrappers, off print from the Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1989.


Maahad al-Inma’ al-Arabi.

4to. Volume I: A-D: xxxix, 942 pp., / Volume II: E-L: xxiii, 943-1905 pp., double column per page, English &…


La Marle, Hubert.

8vo. 177 pp., illustrations, publisher’s original wrappers, biblio, copy in mint condition, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris, 2002.


Dozy, Reinhard Pieter A.

8vo. viii, 97 pp., cloth backed modern boards, title gilt on spine, copy in very good condition, N. Nijhoff, Leiden,…


Fakhuri, Arsanius.

12mo. 599 pp., Arabic text, title within borders, modern hard back binding, some traces of wormholes mainly in margins not…


Willmore, John Seleden.

12mo. 87 pp., half-title, double column to the page, modern buckram, few pencil markings, occasional spotting, otherwise a very good…


Kautzsch, Emil.

8vo. viii, 181 pp., German text with some Aramaic, original wrappers, slightly worn round edges, professionally repaired with new spine,…


Ziadeh, Farhat & R. Bayle Winder.

8vo. xii, 298 pp., original red cloth, Arabic and English text, appendix, index, previous owner’s presentation not on front fly…


Al-Watwat, Rashid al-Din

8vo. Arabic text, 93 pp., [3 index and errata] / 86 pp., [4 index and errata], printed on buff paper,…


Al-Tha’alibi, Abi Mansur Abdul Malik.

8vo. 432 pp., Arabic text, original cloth-backed printed boards, soiled and rubbed, worn at spine, previous owner’s inscription on title…


Wajdi, Muhammad Farid.

8vo. Total 8400 pp., double column per page, some ink inscription on margins, spotting on first & last pages, scattered…


Ma’louf, Sab’ Fares.

8vo. 188 pp., Arabic & French text, paper slightly browned, modern hard back binding, previous owner’s inscription & note on…

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