Gamal Abdul Nassir (1954-1969)
Agence de Press / Associated Press & others.
The photos are as follows:
1- Two portraits of Nasser one at prayer, the other in military uniform.
2- A demonstration after the resignation of Colonel Nagib, Nasser received by demonstrators at Cairo on 30/3/1954.
3- Demonstrations at Cairo after the failed attempt to assassinate Nasser by Muslim Brotherhood.
4- The first meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood after they were release by Nasser from prison
5- Nasser being received by Tito during a visit to Yugoslavia.
6- Tito driving a car with Nasser and Nehru.
7- Nasser received by Tito a the presidential palace.
8- Nasser with military offices at Cairo airport.
9- Nasser delivering his famous speech announcing the nationalisation of Suez Canal.
10- King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and Nehru arriving together to the presidential palace at Cairo.
11- Nasser delivering a speech in Cairo.
12- Nasser and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia at al-Azhar mosque in Cairo.
13- Two photographs of Nasser and the Syrian president Shukri al-Quwatli at Cairo, July 1957.
14- Nasser, Abdul Hakim Amer and two Syrian officers at Cairo after the announcement of the unity between Cairo and Syria 12/9/1957.
15-Two photographs of Nasser during a visit the the Soviet Union on 29/ 4/1958.
16- Nasser and the Soviet president Khrutchef at Moscow airport 29/04/ 1957.
17- Nasser at Port Said during a demonstration celebrating the unity between Egypt and Syria.
18- After signing the documents of the Unity between Syria and Egypt, Nasser and al-Quwatli praying at al-Azhar mosque.
19- Two photographs of Nasser meeting the Algerian president Ahmad Bin Bella at Cairo airport and the presidential palace..
20- Two photographs of Nasser receiving he Pakistani president Ayub Khan.
21- Three photographs of Nasser and Egyptian military officers and at a reception in his honour.
22- Two photographs of Nasser meeting the Yogoslavia president Tito.
23- Nasser during a tour with Nehru at old Cairo.
24- Nasser meeting a Somali minister at al-Qubba palace.
25- Two photographs of Nasser meeting the Sudanese president and Ahmad Sukarnu, the Indonisian president.
26- President Nasser and Abdul Hakim Amer meeting the Algerian minister of Defence Hawari Boumedian in a military parade.
27- Nasser meeting the Iraqi president Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr and the Syria president Lou’ai Atassy at the Iraqi embassy in Cairo.
28- Nasser meeting with the Syrian president Nour al-Din al-Atassy on 17 Augudt 1969.
30- Nasser receiving the Egyptian military command at Cairo on 29/07/1969.