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Bell, Gertrude Lowthian.

4to. xix, 180 pp., 2 maps, 87 photo plates & 6 folding out architectural plans, hors text at the end,…


Walker, Rose.

8vo. 264 pp, 10 colour plates, 65 b&w plates, 6 tables, cloth in d/w, appendices, As New, The British Library…



8vo. 405 pp., Russian text, numerous illustrations, tables, full buckram, slightly rubbed round edges, weak spine, inscription verso front cover,…


Villotte, Jacques.

12mo. [8], 647 pp., [1], contemporary full-calf, slightly worn round the edges, title gilt & decoration on raised spine, red…


McKendrick, Scot & Doyle, Kathleen.

8vo. 160 pp., 1 map, colour plates, cloth in d/w, indices, copy in mint condition, The British Library, London, first…


Martineau, Paul

8vo. 111 pp., [1], 94 illustrations, cloth in d/w, Brand New, J. P. Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2010


De La Croix, Édouard. [Le Sieur de La Croix].

12mo. [22], 314 pp., [6], contemporary full-calf, rubbed, upper part of spine partly cracked at ends (not detached), title gilt…


Tahan, Ilana.

8vo. 160 pp., colour plates, cloth in d/w, glossary, indices, copy in mint condition, The British Libary, London, first edition,…


Debs, Joseph

Small 8vo. 352 pp., Latin & Arabic text within borders, spine cloth with marbled boards, rubbed, title gilt in Arabic…


Giacaman, Rita.

8vo. v, 187 pp., b/w photo illus. by Emile Ashrawi, tables, figures, hard back binding, appendices, biblio, index, Jerusalem Studies…


Woodrow, Alain.

8vo. viii, 296 pp., cloth in d/w, index, copy in mint condition, Geoffrey Chapman, London / NY, first edition, 1995.


Nouro, Abrohom 1923-2009.

4to. English, Syriac & Arabic text, 261 pp., +115 pp., [1], numerous b/w & colour plates, of which many are…


Ozcan, Saleh.

12mo. 72 pp., b/w illustrations, Turkish text, publisher’s original wrappers, light browning to leaves and back cover, otherwise copy in…


McGrath, Alister E.

8vo. xix, 603 pp., map, publisher’s original wrappers, index, biblio, glossary, small stain to outer edges, otherwise copy clean &…


Bar-Hebraeus, Gregory John (1226-1286).

8vo. [4], 46 pp., [2], Arabic, Syriac and some Latin text, red cloth with gilt borders, annotated and interpreted by…

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