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Aslanapa, Oktay.

8vo. 182 pp., Turkish Ottoman text, 197 b/w illustrations, modern hard boards, original wrappers preserved, copy in very good condition,…


Al-Antaki, Dawud.

4to. Volume I: 328 pp., / Volume II: 193 pp., Arabic text within borders, modern hard back binding, browned paper,…


Al-Azhari, Khalid Ibn ‘Abdallah & Yassin Ibn Zayn al-Din al-’Alami.

4to. Volume I: [4, contents], 480 pp., / Volume II: 503 pp., Arabic lithographed text within borders, the second text…


Riefstahl, Rudolf M.

4to. xii, 86 pp., Ottoman Turkish text, 268 full page b/w plates, 8 plans, modern card boards, new endpapers, copy…


Al-Maidani, abi al-Fadl & Abi Hilal Hassan B. ‘Abdallah al-’Askari.

4to. Volume I: [1], 338 pp., [2 pp., contents] / Volume II: [1 pp., contents], 380 pp., Arabic text within…


Paton, Andrew Archibald.

8vo. viii, 309 pp., [1], contemporary half calf with marbled boards, rubbed round edges, title gilt on raised and decorated…


Al-Harake, Sanaa.

8vo. 28 pp., pictorial paperback, index, coloured photographs, copy new in mint condition, Nahla series, Kutub, Beirut, first edition, 2014.



8vo. 396 pp. +8 pp. of Register at end, German Text, original cardboard binding, soiled and worn, all edges red,…


Neitzschitz, Georg Christoph von.

4to. [5], 320 pp., [24 pp., double column index], frontispiece engraving, 2 folding maps: the hemispheres and the Ottoman Empire,…


Al-Harake, Sanaa.

8vo. 32 pp., coloured photographs, publisher’s stapled pictorial paperback, index, includes CD of the contents, Na'la series, copy new in…


El-Khazen, Farid.

8vo. 74 pp., tables, publisher’s original wrappers, Centre for Lebanese Studies, Oxford, 1998.


Weil, Gustav.

12mo. vi, 298 pp., contemporary cloth backed boards, title gilt on spine, all edges red, light scattered foxing, otherwise copy…


Mujais, Salim.

8vo. 155 pp., of Arabic text, 35 pp., of English text, b/w photographs, paperback binding, index, biblio, facsimile pages from…


Dinet, Étienne (Illustrated By) / Translated By Marcel Devic.

Folio. 125 pp., [6], 132 colour illustrations by Étienne Dinet, of which 4 hors text including a frontispiece, each text…


Robles, Francisco Guillen.

4to. x, [1], 334 pp., [1 errata], Spanish & Arabic text, double column per page, contemporary marbled calf, title lettered…

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