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Al-Azzawi, Dia.

4to. 9 colour plates, 1 b/w photograph, publisher’s stapled wrappers, copy in mint condition, Touch Art, London, 2006.


Exhibition Catalogue.

8vo. unpaginated, profusely illustrated in colour & b/w photographs, publisher’s original wrappers, Meem Gallery, Dubai, 2011.


Mayer, L.A.

4to. 97 pp., [1 list of plates], 12 b/w plates, [1 Contents], half-title, original green cloth, title gilt on spine…


Orientalism/ Ceramics From Sevres.

8vo. 33 pp., 21 colour plates, 2 drawings, figures, publisher’s original wrappers, biblio., no publisher, privately printed, Beirut, 2003.


Rollema, Ingrid / Jabra I. Jabra/ Shakir Hassan al-Saeed / Abdulrahman Munif & May Mudafer.

4to. 300 pp., Arabic & English text, profusely illustrated in colour plates, publisher’s original wrappers, Touch Art, London, 2009.


Henein, Nessim Henry.

4to. xv, 242 pp., French text, figures, b/w photographs, 1 folding plate at rear, publisher’s original wrappers, Institut Francais d’Archeologie…


Melikian-Chirvani, A.S.

8vo. 127 pp., profusely illustrated in b/w & colour photographs, French & Persian text, publisher’s original soft cloth, book plate…


Finster, Barbara/ Christa Fragner & Herta Hafenrichter (Editors).

8vo. 338 pp., 46 b/w plates, tables, numerous plans & figures, publisher’s original wrappers, German, English & French text, Beiruter…


Institut Français de Damas.

4to. 266 pp., [3], half-title, 12 b/w plates, French & Arabic text, publisher’s original wrappers, UNOPENED, Ouvrages publié avec le…


Institut Francais de Damas.

4to. 382 pp of French & Arabic text, 11 b/w plates, 6 maps, publisher’s original wrappers, index, biblio, back cover…


Institut Français De Damas.

4to. 226 pp of French & Arabic text, 13 b/w plates, publisher’s original wrappers, copy in very good condition, UNCUT,…


Institut Français De Damas.

4to. 203 pp of French & Arabic text, [1], 24 b/w plates, 1 folding plate, publisher’s original wrappers, copy in…


Institut Français de Damas.

4to. 266 pp of French & Arabic text, [2], 18 b/w plates, 10 plans of which 3 folding, numerous figures,…


Institut Français De Damas.

4to. 134 pp of French text, 78 pp of Arabic text, 4 b/w plates, publisher’s original wrappers, copy in very…


Institut Français De Damas.

4to. 184 pp of French & Arabic text, [2], publisher’s original wrappers, index, cover lightly foxed round edges, otherwise copy…

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