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Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 20 pp. Turkish text, double column per page, 25 plates, publisher’s original wrappers, shelf label at lower spine, Ankara,…


Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 12 pp. Turkish text, double column per page, 23 plates, publisher’s original wrappers, shelf label at lower spine, Ankara,…


Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 8 pp. Turkish text, double column per page + 16 plates hors text, publisher’s stapled wrappers, shelf label at…


Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 8 pp. Turkish text, double column per page, 23 plates, publisher’s original wrappers, shelf label at lower spine, Ankara,…


Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 8 pp. Turkish text, double column per page, 23 plates, publisher’s original wrappers, lightly soiled, Ankara, Ulus Basimevi, 1949.


Ozbel, Kenan.

4to. 11 + 99 pp. Turkish text, 2 column per page + 13 b/w plates hors text, publisher’s original wrappers,…


Ozdes, Gundez.

4to, 81 pp. Turkish text, b/w illustration, 1 folding plan at rear, publishers’ original wrappers, lightly soiled and rubbed, copy…


Verzone, P./ Mukerrem Usman/ G. F. Bean & Erdogan Yalkin.

4to. 40 pp., Turkish text + 131 b/w illustrations + 3 plans of which 2 are folding, publisher’s original wrappers,…


Gunay, Reha.

4to. 194 pp., [72], of b/w & colour plates, 331 b/w & colour illustration, (3 are folding), publisher’s pictorial wrappers,…


Evren, Mesut.

4to. 127 pp. Turkish text, drawings, b/w photographs, publisher’s original wrappers, lightly foxed, shelf label at lower spine, Fakulteler Matbaasi,…


Oz, Tahsin.

Folio, [viii], 38 pp, [1], Turkish text with some Arabic, + 67 plates hors text, including 16 in colour (…


Petsopoulos, Yanni (Ed.)

4to. 224 pp., 212 colour plates, 191 b/w figures in text, 1 map, cloth in d/w, endpapers illustrated in calligraphy,…


Berk, Nurullah.

4to. 96 pp., profusely illustrated in colour, cloth in pictorial dust wrappers, index, Istanbul, Akbank' in bir kultur hizmeti, 1972.


Cetintas, Sedat.

Folio. 41 pp., Turkish text, double column per page, numerous plans, figures & b/w photographs in text, 16 loose architectural…


Aslanapa, Oktay.

8vo. 182 pp., Turkish Ottoman text, 197 b/w illustrations, modern hard boards, original wrappers preserved, copy in very good condition,…

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