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Guellouz, Ezzedine & Abdelazix Frikha (Photography).

Large 4to. 216 pp., French text, half-title, profusely illustrated in b/w & colour plates, introduction by Muhammad Arkoun, photographs by…


Philby, H. St. John.

8vo. [2], 198 pp., frontispiece portrait, 48 b/w plates, half-title, red cloth, lightly soiled and rubbed at spine, gilt vignette…


Guellouz, Ezzedine & Abdelazix Frikha (Photography).

Folio. 216 pp., profusely illustrated in colour photographs, 1 map, pictorial endpaper, introduction by Muhammad Arkoun, cloth in d/w, biblio,…


Dozy, Reinhard Pieter A. 1820-1883.

8vo. viii, 405 pp., original brown cloth, lightly rubbed at spine extremities, title gilt on spine & front cover, paper…


Hurgronje, Christiaan Snouck.

8vo. xxi, 299 pp., French & English text, edited & translated from Dutch by G.-H. Bousquet and J. Schacht, original…


Bousquet, G. H.

8vo. viii, 134 pp., [1], half-title, later half-calf with marbled boards, publisher’s original wrappers preserved, biblio, paper browning, some spotting…


Wolfe, Michael.

8vo, xii, 331 pp., 1 plan, 2 maps, publisher’s original wrappers, biblio, appendix, glossary, copy inn very good condition, Secker…


Galland, Julien-Claude.

Small 8vo. viii, 215 pp., French text, contemporary full calf, title gilt on decorated spine, marbled endpapers, all edges red,…


Stewart, Desmond.

4to. 172 pp., colour frontispiece, endpaper colour plates, numerous b/w & colour photographs by Mohamed Amin, cloth in d/w, biblio,…


Wolfe, Michael.

8vo. xii, [1], 331 pp., 1 plan, 2 double page maps, cloth in d/w, biblio, appendix, glossary, bookplate of Paul…


Khan, Hadji & Wilfred Sparroy

8vo. 314 pp., frontispiece, 24 b/w plates, introduction by Professor A. Vambery, original green decorative cloth with gold and colour…


Farahani, Mirza Mohammad Hosayn.

8vo. xxxii, 380 pp., b/w photo illus, 8 maps, table, 2 plans, publisher’s original wrappers, edited translated and annotated by…


Dozy, Reinhard Pietera.

4to. xi, [1], 356 pp., 13 lithographed plates by Emrik & Binger, of which one is a frontis, Dutch text,…

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