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Roque, Jean de la.

12mo. Volume I: Voyage de L'Arabie Heureuse, par l'Ocean Oriental, & le Detroit de la Mer Rouge. Fait par les…


Herzog, Maximilian. (1809-1888).

Small 8vo. 272 pp., [4], lithograph frontis portrait, 1 plate of music sheet entitled: ‘Vespergesanf in St Johann in der…


Della Valle, Pietro.

4to. Volume I: [8], 348 pp., +102 pp. +8 pp., / Volume II: [9], 622 pp., +46 pp., (Contents Table),…


Thevenot, Melchisédech.

Folio. Volume I: (1) [1] f., titre, [5] ff. (advertisement, catalogue, avis, table de relations), XXV, 52 + 26, 17…


Heldring, Louis.

8vo. vii, 172 pp., [1], 11 colour plates, 1 colour map, half title, Dutch text, pictorial original cloth, lightly rubbed…


Wheler, Sir George Wheler 1650-1723 / Spon, Jacob 1647-1685.

12mo. French & some Greek text, Volume I. [12], 301 pp., steel engraved title page, 8 double page engraved plates…


Groeben, Otto Friedrich von der. 1657-1728.

Small 8vo. [12], 334 pp., contemporary boards, rubbed, all edges red, book plate verso front cover, title somewhat browned and…


Allan, John Harrison.

Folio. [4], 96 pp., Illustrated with an additional pictorial tinted lithographic title-page with vignettes of Karnak, Naples, Venice, Cairo, Athens,…


Piton, E Constant.

12mo. 305 pp., frontispiece engraving, title vignette, 2 copper plates, full calf, corners rubbed, new spine, marbled endpapers, title gilt…


Badia Y. Leblich, Domingo. "Ali Bey", 1766-1818.

4to. Volume I: xlii, 339 pp., steel engraved portrait frontispiece + 1 folding map of the Kingdom of Morocco, +…


Titmarsh, M. A. / Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863 /

8vo. xi, 221 pp., hand-coloured frontispiece, title page woodcut, contemporary half-calf, title gilt on raised and decorated spine, all edges…


Lindsay, Alexander William Earl of Crawford 1812-1880.

8vo. Volume I: xii, 361 pp., / Volume II: iv, 377 pp., lithographed frontispieces, contemporary half-calf with marbled boards, rubbed…


Thenaud, Jean./ Published & Annotated by Ch. Schefer.

4to. xc, 297 pp., 3 plates, of which 1 is frontispiece, later half-calf rebound with marbled boards, new marbled endpapers,…


Topf, Erich.

4 to, x, 260 pp, 4 maps, original publisher’s wrappers, faded & slightly rubbed at edges, biblio, index, Abhandlungen auf…


Guer, Jean-Antoine 1713-1764.

4to. Volume I: xxiv, 453 pp., [17] / Volume II: viii, 537 pp., [4], 2 engraved frontispieces, 28 plates (7…

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