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Vycichl, Werner.

8vo. [5], 111 pp., 2 portrait frontispieces, original cloth backed boards, notes, appendix, biblio, top margin of cover lightly faded,…


El-Naggary Bey, Mohammed.

Folio. Volume I: A-D, 1034 pp / Volume II: E-M, 1037-2010/ Volume III: N-Z, 2013-2744 pp., double column per page,…


Al-Astrabadi, Najm al-Din al-Astraabadi.

8vo. 396 pp., Arabic text within borders, modern hard back binding, paper slightly browned, the first & last pages foxed,…


Ibn al-Qasih, abi al-Qassim B. al-Hassan & Abu al-Hassan al-Safaqisi.

4to. 428 pp., Arabic lithographic text within borders, the al-Safaqisi text printed in margins, modern hard back binding, wormholes throughout,…


As-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din.

8vo. Volume I: [8] introduction, [4, contents], 299 pp., / Volume II: [8 pp list of corrections], [7 pp contents],…


As-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din.

4to. Volume I: [4 contents], 256 pp., / Volume II: [4 contents], 244 pp., Arabic text within borders, few ink…


Al-Akbari, Muhibb al-Din abi al-Baqa’ & Muhammad B. Bakr al-Razi.

4to. Volume I: 161 pp., [1 contents] / Volume II: 168 pp., [4 pp., contents], Arabic text within borders, modern…


Al-Jawhari, Abi Nasr Isma’il.

4to. Volume I: 636 pp., / Volume II: 582 pp., Arabic lithographic text within borders, some ink comments in margins,…


Al-Zamakhshari, Abi al-Qassim Mahmud B. Omar.

4to. Volume I: [2], 514 pp. / Volume II: 564 pp. Arabic text, double column per page, modern hard back…


Al-Astrabadi, Najm al-Din al-Rida.

4to. Volume I: [4, contents] + 343 pp. + some loose printed pages / Volume II: [4 contents] + 411…


Dammous, Halim.

8vo. 311 pp., [2], Arabic text within borders, frontispiece portrait, ink comments in margins, modern hard back binding, original wrappers…


Chikha, ‘Ali Sharh.

4to. 36 pp., Arabic lithographic text, modern hard back binding, paper browned, the last four pages repaired without loss, small…


Al-Sakaki, Abi Yaqub b. Ali.

4to. 246 pp., [2 contents], lithographic text within borders, modern hard back binding, title page heavily foxed & torn without…


Tha’lab, abi al-’Abbas Ahmad bin Yahya & Muhammad al-Harawi.

8vo. 188 pp., Arabic text, paper browned & foxed, modern hard back binding, Matba’at al-Saada, Cairo, 1325 A. H. 1907.


Al-Tha’alibi, abu Mansur.

8vo. 16 pp., contents, 263 pp., Arabic text within borders, modern hard back binding, first & last few pages foxed…

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