Al-Fawa’id al-Afrad wa al-Ghara’ib Al-Husan. Part Six.

Al-Daraqutni, Abu Hasan Ali ibn Umar ibn Ahmad.

Book ID: 17661


8vo. 16 pp., 23 lines to the page, key words in red ink, contemporary full calf with flap, rubbed round edges, gilt filament and motifs, occasional spotting, otherwise in good condition, copied by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Qastalani al-Makki, 759H.


Abu Hasan Ali ibn Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Mahdi al-Daraqutni was born in Dar al-Kutn, a large quarter of Baghdad whence he got his nisba, in 306/918. He was a 10th-century muhaddith of wide learning, best known for compiling the hadith collection Sunan al-Daraqutni. He was celebrated later by Sunni hadith scholars, referred to as the “imam of his time” and the “amir al-mu’minin in hadith”.
He contributed greatly to the advance of the critical study of Muslim traditions. His works, not all of which have survived, therefore deal primarily with the science of Tradition. Encyclopaedia of Islam.

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