An Interpretation of The Qur’an. English Translation of the Meanings A Bilingual Edition.

Fakhry, Majid (Translated by).

Book ID: 18039

ISBN:      9781859641606


8vo. xi, 645 pp., [2], English & Arabic text, cloth in d/w, copy in Mint condition, Garnet Publishing, Reading, 2000.


To followers of Islam, the Qur’an is the literal word of God, revealed through Muhammed, the last of the line of prophets. It is the expression of the will of God and contains all that is necessary to lead a life of righteousness. This message is expressed in the Arabic language with such formidable force that over the last 14 centuries it has been revered by Muslims all over the world. Islam has a billion followers in 48 countries and has become a significant force in the world today; a better understanding of the Qur’an will explain why. Approved by Al- Azhar University, this comprehensive and accurate rendering of the Qur’an into modern English should introduce this important book to a much wider audience than ever before. The clear translation is laid out next to the Arabic text to allow the reader to make careful comparisons. In this way, this volume aims to make the Qur’an accessible to students, teachers of religious studies, non-Arab Muslims and all who are interested in Islam.

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