Bayan al-Kuwait. Sirat Hayat al-Sheikh Mubarak al-Sabbah.

Al-Qasimi, Sultan Muhammad.

Book ID: 36282

ISBN:      9953368058


4to. 455 pp. Arabic text, 1 colour map at rear, b/w photographs, numerous facsimile documents, hard back binding, copy in mint condition, New, Amman & Beirut: Al-Mu’assa al-Arabiya lill Dirasat wal-Nashr, 2006.


Biography of Al Sheikh Mubarak Al Sabbah, ruler of Kuwait. Mubarak was the seventh ruler of the Al-Sabah dynasty.He was also the father of two rulers of Kuwait who succeeded him, Jaber and Salim, from which the Al-Jaber and Al-Salim in the Al-Sabah family branches originated respectively, and is the paternal ancestor of all successive rulers and prime ministers of Kuwait.

Mubarak signed the Anglo-Kuwaiti Treaty with Great Britain on 23 November 1899, pledging himself and his successors not to receive foreign agents or representatives or to cede or sell territory without the approval of the British government, with this agreement, and the guarantee it represented in Kuwait and the Al-Sabah family, he is regarded as the founder of modern-day Kuwait. German explorer Hermann Burchardt photographed Mubarak in 1903, in what is now an iconic photograph which is on the cover of this book.

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