Beautés de l’Histoire de la Domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal.

Lacroix de Marlès, Jean.

Book ID: 19250


12mo. 532 pp., 5 of 6 steel engraved plates (Missing frontispiece, half title page & Avis du Libraire-Editeur [2] - which is reflected in the price), contemporary full calf, rubbed with minor loss to top cap, title gilt on decorated spine, title within borders, diagonal tears on pages 29, 53 &77 without any loss, small ink blotch on pages 120 & 177, some yellowing, weak spine, inscriptions on fly leaves, Librairie D’Education D’A Eymery, Paris, 1824.


This book presents the history of the great empires of the Muslims in Spain and Portugal from the period they first conquered Spain in 711 until their forced exodus in 1492. [This edition was not cited in Palau who only cited the 1825 edition, see Palau 5920].
Jules Lacroix Marlès was a Catholic writer and French historian of the nineteenth century. He was one of the principal writers of the Catholic Encyclopedia.

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