Carte de L’Empire Perse.

Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon d'.

Book ID: 29013


Two sheets, 75 x 53 cm, steel engraved coloured plate, printed in Venice by P. Santini, 1779.


A large decorated map showing parts of Central Asia, Persia. Iraq and the Arab Gulf from Shatt Al-Arab to Oman including Bahrain, Al-Katif, Julfar, the Emirates and the Arab islands at the Gulf.
A fascinating late eighteenth-century wall map of Persia, after one of France’s greatest cartographers Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville was the spiritual successor to Guillaume De L’Isle in the sense that he maintained the rigourous standard for accuracy that De L’Isle had established. D’Anville was the last French mapmaker to establish an international reputation superior to all his contemporaries, as witnessed by the respect shown by English cartographers and publishers during an era when the two countries were often at war and always hostile to one another.

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