De Vita, et Rebus Gestis Mohammedis, Moslemicae Religionis Octoris et Imperii Saracenici Fundatoris. Ex Codice MS to Pocockiano Bibliothecae Bodleianoe. Textum Arabicum Premus editit, Latine Vertit, Prdesatione, & Notis Illustravit.

Abu’l-Feda, Ismael 1273-1331

Book ID: 32922


Large 4to. [4], xxii, [2 index], 160 pp., Arabic and Latin text, half title, fine contemporary panelled calf (skilfully re-backed), lightly rubbed round edges, scattered foxing, otherwise a good copy, bookplate with coat of arms of Rumsey verso front cover, translated & edited by Joannes Gagnier, Theatro Sheldoniano (Sheldonian Theatre), Oxford, 1723.


This is an edition of a historical work by the famous Syrian prince, historian and geographer of the family of the Ayyubids, Isma’il Ibn Muhammead Abu’l-Fida. Born in Damascus in 672/1273, Abu’l- Fida was publicly invested with the insignia of the Sultanate and the title of al-Malik al-Mu’ayyad by the ruling Mamluk Sultan Muhammad in 720/1320. He remained a close friend of the Sultan and enjoyed a great reputation as patron and man of letters until his death in 732/1331.
Abu’l-Fida’s reputation rests on two works, both largely compilations, but rearranged and supplemented by himself. One of his descriptive geographies, “Taqwim al-Buldan”, was completed in 721/1321 and largely replaced all earlier geographical works. The other “Mukhtasar Ta’rikh al-Bashar”, is a portion of which was edited and translated for the first time by Gagnier in the present volume. This universal history covering the pre-Islamic period and Islamic history until 729/1329 is based, especially in its earlier part, on Ibn al-Athir. Its contemporary popularity is shown by its additions written by Ibn al-Wardi, Ibn Habib al-Dimashqi and Ibn al-Shihna al-Halabi. This edition by Gagnier became a major work of the 18th century Orientalism.
Bibliographic reference: Brunet I, 18: Ouvrage estimé.

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