Die Propheten des Alten Bundes ( TWO VOLUMES IN ONE)..

Ewald, Heinrich.

Book ID: 10074


8vo. Volume I: 404 pp., [1] / Volume II: xvi, 572 pp., [2], 2 folding map at rear, contemporary half-calf, title gilt on spine with raised bands, book plate of Dampierre verso front cover, light scattered foxing, otherwise copy in good condition, Verlag von Adolph Krabbe, Stuttgart, first edition, 1840.


A scarce edition of this pair of volumes explaining the prophets of the Old Testament. Georg Heinrich August Ewald 1803 – 1875) was a German orientalist, theologian, and Biblical exegete. He studied at the University of Göttingen. In 1827 he became extraordinary professor there, in 1831 ordinary professor of theology, and in 1835 professor of oriental languages. In 1837, as a member of the Göttingen Seven, he lost his position at Göttingen on account of his protest against King Ernest Augustus I of Hanover’s abrogation of the liberal constitution, and became professor of theology at the University of Tübingen. In 1848, he returned to his old position at Göttingen. When Hanover was annexed by Prussia in 1866, Ewald became a defender of the rights of the ex-king. Among his chief works are: Complete Course on the Hebrew Language (German: Ausführliches Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache), The Poetical Books of the Old Testament (German: Die poetischen Bücher des alten Bundes), History of the People of Israel (German: Geschichte des Volkes Israel), and other related subjects.

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