Discours of The Turkes.

Sherley, Sir Thomas / Edited by Denison E. Ross.

Book ID: 8326


8vo. ix, 45 pp. publisher’s original wrappers, inscribed by Denison Ross on half-title page, copy in very good condition, part of the Camden Miscellany series vol. XVI, published by Royal Historical Society, London, 1936.


Discours of the Turkes by Sr.Thomas Sherley’ (title on the spine, written in a 17th century hand) is now at Lambeth Palace.
The discourse presents a hostile portrait of the Turks, their government, trade, manner of life etc, based on his experience in Constantinople. It also describes places visited on the return journey to England.
Sir Thomas Sherley also known as Sir Thomas Shirley, was imprisoned by the Turks in Constantinople from 1603 to 1605.
His discourse contains numerous autobiographical references to events between 1603 and 1605, and mentions his imprisonment for 33 months. The Discourse is thought to have been written in Constantinople and on his voyage home and completed very soon after his return to England,between October 1606 and April 1607.
E. Denison Ross, who edited this manuscript in 1936, described it as ‘unique and apparently autobiographical’.

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