Egypt and The Fertile Crescent 1516-1922. A Political History.

Holt, P. M.

Book ID: 4850


8vo. xii, 337 pp, 4 b/w plates, 6 maps, cloth in clipped d/w, appendix, biblio, copy in very good condition, Longmans, London, first edition, 1966.


Contents: Part I . The Ottoman Heyday. The Rise and Zenith of the Ottoman Empire; The overthrow of the Mamluk Sultanate; Suleyman the Magnificent and the Arab lands — Part II. The Ottoman Decline. The Ottoman Empire in decline; Egypt in the seventeenth century; The ascendancy of the beylicate in eighteenth-century Egypt; Ottoman decline and the Syrian province; The amirate of the Ma’nids and Shihabs in Lebanon; The ascendancy of Zahir al-‘Umar and al-Jazzar in Syria; The Iraqi provinces in the period of Ottoman decline; Two challenges: the Wahhabis and Bonaparte — Part III. The Last Phas of Ottoman Rule — The revival of the Ottoman Empire; Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha; Egypt at the crossroads; Egyptian nationalism and the British occupation; Syria and Lebanon during the Ottoman revival; The Iraqi provinces during the Ottoman revival; The emergence of Arab nationalism; The First World War; The post-war settlement in the Fertile Crescent and Egypt.

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