Journey through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai and the Excavated City of Petra. The Edom of the Prophecies.

Laborde, Leon de.

Book ID: 577


8vo. xxviii, 340 pp., [8 adverts], engraved frontispiece, engraved folding map, title vignette, 26 plates of which half are lithographs and half engravings, numerous wood engravings in the letterpress, modern cloth, title gilt on spine, from Bath Public library with the usual blindstamps and label verso front cover, damp stain to frontispiece, browning to frontis & title page, occasional spotting, small marginal tear to pages 265-267 repaired without any loss to text, otherwise copy in good condition, John Murray, London, second English edition, 1838.


The first English edition appeared in 1836, based on the French folio edition of 1830. The translator/editor of this version is unknown. He has edited Laborde’s text and has added to it information from other sources, particularly Irby, Mangles and Burckhardt’.
Laborde made the journey to Petra with the engineer Linant de Bellefonds in February 1828, travelling from Suez via St. Catherine’s and Akabah. They were the first to make detailed drawings of the area. This edition includes notes added by the translator drawn from the works of Burckhardt, Henniker, Irby and Mangles.
Bibliographic references: Blackmer 930; Nissenn 2335; Tobler P.150; Rohricht 1731; Weber I, 277.

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