Kitab al-Anis al-Mutrib bi Rawd Al-Qurtas fi Akhbar Muluk Al-Maghrib Wa Tareekh Madinat Fas. Annales Regum Mauritaniae A Condito Idrisidarum Imperio Ad Annum Fugae 726. TWO VOLUMES. كتاب الأنيس المطرب بروض القرطاس في أخبار ملوك المغرب

Ibn Abi Zer’ Fesano (Al-Fasi) Abu Al-Hassan Ibn Abdallah.

Book ID: 18582


4to. Volume I: Textum Arabicum Continens: 381 pp., [2 errata], Arabic text, Volume II: Versionem Latinam, text edited by Carlolus Johannes Tomberg. Scripturae Varietatem et Observationes Continens: [3], xiv, 446 pp., Latin text, translated & edited by Carolus Johannes Tornber, contemporary embossed green cloth, lightly rubbed round edges, title gilt on faded spine, scattered foxing, otherwise set in good condition, Litteris Academicis, Upsala, 1843-1846.


Rare work covering the history of Al-Maghrib and Islamic Spain. Drafted during the first quarter of the 14th century, 726/1326 by Ibn Abi Zar’, this history of Fes and Morocco is a plagiarism of the Bayân of Ibn ‘Idhâri. Inspired by al- Bakri, the Rawd al-Qirtas and the Bayân tally in their description of the nomadic life of the Saharans and the facts relating to Yahya b. Ibrahim. The Rawd al-Qirtas begins by confusing the chronology and leading us astray by imaginary facts and silence on the events related by the Bayân and al-Hulal al- Mawshiyya.
This edition of “Annales Regum Mauritaniae” is one of the most important works edited by the Swedish Orientalist Carl Johannes Tornberg (1807-77). Published in Arabic with a translation into Latin. The text covers the history of Spain, Fes and Morocco from the 8th century onwards. Carl Johannes Tornberg was an Orientalist, an Arabist and Professor in Eastern Languages at Lund University, Sweden, in 1850. His translation of the Qur’an, 1874, is the first complete one in Swedish, but it subsequently fell into disrepute; instead, this and his edition of Ibn-El-Athir’s Universal
History in 14 volumes (Leiden, 1851-76), consolidated his importance in the field of European Orientalism.
Bibliographic reference: Zenker I, 854 & II, 726.

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