La Miniature Persane du XIIe Au XVIIe Siecle.

Sakisian, Armenag Bey.

Book ID: 23609


Folio. xiii, 174 pp., [2], 106 full-page plates containing reproductions of 191 black and white miniatures, plus 2 in colour including a mounted colour frontispiece, printed on high quality paper, this copy refers to a de luxe edition of 25 copies, but is not numbered, with index and list of illustrations, original printed wrappers, faded and browned round edges, worn at extremities, scattered foxing, heavier on fore-edges, Les Editions G. Van Oest, Paris et Bruxelles, first edition, 1929.


An extensive academic study discussing various aspects and forms of Islamic miniatures produced in Iran between the 12th and 17th century. [Creswell, 621].

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