La Production et la Distribution Céramique Médiévale en Palestine et en Transjordanie: Une Interprétation Socio-économique et Politique. THREE VOLUMES.

Poree, Brigitte.

Book ID: 36445


8vo. French text, Volume I: Texte: vii, 407 pp., Volume II: Annexes: [4], 485 pp., Volume III: Illustrations et Bibliographie: iv, 214 pp., numerous b/w illustrations, publisher’s original wrappers, set in mint condition, Septentrion Presses Universitaires, Paris, 1996.


This is a Doctorate Thesis to present a study on the medieval and Ottoman ceramic industries of the southern Levant (Palestine and Transjordan) during the periods of the Crusades, the Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman governments (i.e. from the 12th century to the beginning of the 20th century).
The first chapters will describe the environment of Palestine and Transjordan, then their political and economic history during the same periods for the same regions. The description of the characters of the human settlement, based on historical and archaeological sources will illustrate the changes in the modes of use of the land from the 12th century and the 13th century, particularly for Samaria and Galilee, until the beginning of the 20th century.
Case studies in Samaria and Galilee show that 12th-15th century pottery was traded primarily around the two major cities of Jerusalem and St. John Acre. During this period, land use was concentrated in the hilly and plains regions. On the other hand, pottery after the 15th century is found on certain sites on plateaux or high hills, at the marginal limits of these two regions…

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