L’Arabie Anteislamique. Quatre Conférences Données à l’Université Egyptienne du Caire en 1909.

Guidi, Ignazio. 1844 - 1935.

Book ID: 33758


12mo. 88 pp., [2], last 2 pages of notes at the end in Arabic text, publisher’s original wrappers, foxed & lightly rubbed at spine, otherwise copy clean inside and in very good condition, Librairie Paul Geuthner, Paris, first edition, 1921.


Ignazio Guidi was an Italian Orientalist and archaeologist. A Professor of Hebrew, Semitic Languages and History of Abyssinia at the University of Rome. He is known as a “Hebraist” and for his many translations. He translated from Ethiopian, Syriac, Coptic, Hebrew and Arabic into Italian, French and Latin. He learned the Semitic languages from Pius Zingerle and Father Vincenti, and taught himself Ge’ez. [Wikipedia].
This work concentrates on Pre-Islamic Arabia. Its the publication of 4 papers presented at the University of Cairo in 1909, the contents are as follows:
1. Les royaumes de l’Arabie Meridionale et Centrale avant Mahomet.
2. Les progres intellectuels chez les Arabes.
3. Les progres materiels.
4. Les Arabes du Sud et l’Abyssinie.

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