Les Divisions des Maladies de Al-Razi (850-925). Al-Taqsim wa-al Tashjir. Taqasim al-’Ilal.

Al-Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya. (Rhazes).

Book ID: 29257


8vo. [3], 915 pp., [4], French & Arabic text, publisher’s original wrappers, slightly soiled, biblio, light crease on spine, otherwise copy clean inside & in very good condition, Edition Critique et Traduction de Soubhi M. Hammami, Institut de l’Histoire des Sciences Arabes, University of Aleppo, 1992.


In order to illustrate the remarkable work of Al Razi, this work which evokes diseases of the chest, heart, liver and spleen. Al Razi attaches great importance to the hygiene of life, and to the mental of the patient; to whom he recommends to “have fun, listen to music, sleep well, perfume his clothes, and avoid fatigue and coitus”. We discover that it is a precursor, already advocating a healthy diet, low in lipids and favouring lean meats and fruits.
In addition, he draws up a table, which specifies the various diseases of the heart, and lists the warning signs, in order to make a prescription. For example, for patients suffering from a dry mood of the heart, the signs of which are leanness of the body, and a small and frequent pulse; Al Razi advocates avoiding fatigue. And in case of fever which accompanies this evil, he advises against milk, and recommends taking a bath with pure water, following which will be applied on the chest and between the shoulders of the patient: oil and wax. In this case, he is also told to drink barley soup, accompanied by almond oil and a little sugar.

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