L’Esprit des Croisades, ou Histoire Politique et Militaire des Guerres Entreprises, par les Chretiens contre les Mahométans, pour le Recouvrement de la Terre-Sainte, pendant les XIe, XIIe et XIIIe Siècles. FOUR VOLUMES.

Mailly, Jean Baptiste.

  • Placeholder

Book ID: 19508


12mo. clvi, 264 pp., / 572 pp., [2 errata] / 504 pp., / 508 pp., half-titles, contemporary full calf, title gilt on decorated spine, edges in red, edges of vol. 4 slightly rubbed, copy clean and in very good condition, L. N. Frantin, Dijon & Moutard, Paris, first edition, 1780.


A unique edition of this renowned work for its accuracy, supported by careful research and critical thinking of the author, Jean-Baptiste de Mailly (1744-1794), a librarian and member of the Academy of Dijon.
In the first two volumes, Mailly gives a very detailed description of the state of Europe at the time when the Crusades began. This work, which “deserves praise for its accuracy and impartiality, does not go beyond the first expedition.
Bibliographic reference: Cioranescu XVIII, II-41397.

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