[Mawrid al-Latafah]. Maured Allatafet Jemaleddini filii Togri-Bardii, seu Rerum Aegyptiacarum annales, ab anno Christi 971, usque ad annum 1453. مورد اللطافة

Ibn Taghridi, abu al-Mahasin Yusuf (1411-1470).

Book ID: 35960


4to. [3], 132 pp., Arabic text only, without the Latin translation and notes which should have followed, plain blue boards rebacked with paper, lightly soiled and rubbed, untrimmed pages as issued, errata, small label of Librairie Orientale verso front cover, occasional very light foxing, otherwise copy in good condition, Typis Academicis Excudebat J. Archdeacon; Veneunt apud B. White & Filios, Londini; J. & J. Merrill, Cantabrigiae; J. Fletcher, et J. Cooke, Oxoniae, London, first edition, 1792.


This text was translated by Jospeh Carlyle from the Arabic of Yusuf ibn Taghri Birdi. It appeared for the first time in 1792. Carlyle was appointed chaplain by Lord Elgin to the embassy in Constantinople in 1799, and prosecuted his researches in Eastern literature on a tour through Asia Minor, Palestine, Greece and Italy, collecting in his travels several valuable Greek and Syriac manuscripts for a projected critical edition of the New Testament, collated with the Syriac and other versions; a work, however, which he did not live to complete.
After his death in 1804, there appeared a volume of poems descriptive of the scenes of his travels, with prefaces extracted from his journal. Among other works which he left unfinished was an edition of the Bible in Arabic, completed by H. Ford and published in 1811.
Bibliographic references: Schnurrer 184; Ibrahim-Hilmy II, 25; Gay 2073; OCLC 165551800.

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