Mémoires du Chevalier d’Arvieux, envoyé extraordinaire du Roy à la Porte, Consul d’Alep, d’Alger, de Tripoli et autres échelles du Levant. Contenant ses voyages à Constantinople, dans l’Asie, la Syrie, la Palestine, l’Egypte et la Barbarie, la description de ces païs, les religions, les moeurs, les coûtumes, le négoce de ces peuples, et leurs gouvernemens, l’histoire naturelle et les événemens les plus considérables, recueillis de ses Mémoires originaux et mis en ordre avec des réflexions. SIX VOLUMES.

Arvieux, Laurent d’.

Book ID: 31163


12mo. [4], xvi, [2], 470 pp., [ 22] / [3], 521 pp., [14] / [4], 558 pp., [17] / [4], 572 pp., [16] / [5], 613 pp., [15] / [4], 615 pp., [ 17], edited by Jean Baptiste Labat. contemporary full calf, slightly rubbed, title gilt on raised & decorated spine, marbled endpapers, all edges red, Lacks quire N in volume II, marginal water staining at front few leaves in volumes I, IV & VI and III, a few shoulder notes shaved, previous owner’s inscription on title pages, otherwise set in good condition, Chez Charles-Jean-Baptiste Delespine, Paris, 1735.


FIRST EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK by Laurent Chevalier d’Arvieux (1635-1702), a key figure in the Levant in the second half of the 17th century. He is from Marseille and was sent as a special envoy to Constantinople and Tunisia. These memoirs begin with the year 1655 and end with d’Avrieux’s death in 1702. d’Avrieux was a central figure in French affairs in the Levant in the later half of the 17th century, both as a merchant resident at Seyde and then as consult at Algiers and Aleppo. He assissted Noitel in the renewal of the Capitulations in 1672, and in 1668 he negotiated with the Bey of Tunis for release of over three hundred French slaves.
Provenance: Bib. pub. Sacerdotum Doctrine Christiana Parisiensium (inscription on titles) — Prince Theodore Callimachi (inscription on front endpapers) — Princess Jean Callimachi (bookplate).
Bibliographic references: Atabey 39 (this copy; binding illustrated); Weber II, 308; not in Blackmer; Chahine 180 – Gay 32 bis – Chadenat II – 4708 “ouvrage peu commun et très recherché”.

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