Middle Eastern Affairs. Number Four.

Hourani, Albert ( Edit.)

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Book ID: 13998


8vo.165 pp., cloth in d/w, very good condition, St. Anthony’s Papers Number 17, Middle Eastern Affairs Series No: 1, Oxford University Press, first edition, 1965.


Following the studies published in this issue:
1. The theoretical structure of Nasser’s Arab socialism. by Fayez Sayegh.
2. The wrong horse? – A study of Anglo-Turkish relations before the First World War. by Allan Cunningham.
3. Turks, Arabs, and Jewish immigration into-Palestine, 1882-1914, by Neville Mandel.
4. The influence of Lord Cromer’s Indian experience on British policy in Egypt 1883-1907. by Roger Owen.
5. Aziz Ali al-Misri and the Arab nationalist movement. by Majid Khadduri.

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