Oriente 1893. Egypt and Palestine.

Zangaki, George & Constantine/ Hyppolyte Arnoux / Luigi Fiorillo & Tancrede Dumas.

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Book ID: 30327


Oblong folio (38 X 26 cm), 96 albumen prints 27.50 x 21.50 cm approx) & and 40 smaller prints (20 x 15 cm & 10 x 15 cm) including portraits of native types, most captioned and signed in the negative, original vellum gilt, slightly rubbed round the corners, titled "Oriente" on front upper cover, decorated endpapers, light browning to edges, otherwise photos in very good condition, [1890’s].


Album of views in Egypt and Palestine, mostly by Zangaki and Arnoux. The majority of images are of Egypt, including Alexandra, Cairo, the Pyramids, the Egyptian museum, Egyptian antiquities, mosques, the Nile, Port Said, Heliopolis, and Suez Canal.
In the Holy Land, the photographs taken by Zangaki brothers are rare. It is known that the majority of Zangaki’s production was taken in Egypt, however these prints gives a new insight on the Holy Land by the very well known Greek photographers.
The views of the Holy Land depict Jaffa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany (total images 38).

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