Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement. TWENTY NINE ISSUES FROM 1872 to 1913. Incomplete Sets.

Journal. Palestine Exploration Fund.

Book ID: 35346


8vo. A quarterly journal with numerous photographers, maps, plans and wood engravings, publisher’s original wrappers, sets in good condition, published by Palestine exploration Fund, London, first edition, 1872-1913.


The issues listing some of the contents are as follows:
– 1872: October: The Survey of Palestine, Letters from Lieut Claude R. Conder on Jerusalem, Nablous and camp Jeba / Mr Tyrwhitt Drake’s Reports on Camps El Jib, Nablus & Jeba / Notices o Palestine in the Cuneiform Inscriptions by George Smith / The Hamath Inscriptions.
– 1877: January & October: Recent Excavations at Jerusalem by C. Schick & K. Baurath / The Sites of Taricheae and Bethsaida / Megiddo / Christian and Jewish Traditions / Saul’s Journey to Zuph / Attempt to trace the Boundaries of Ephraim, Manasseh and Issachar / Lieut. Kitchener’s reports at camps Taiyebeh, Naakurah and Aleih / Bethany beyond Jordan / Sycaminon, Hepha, Porphyreon and Chilzon / Barak and Sisera / The Sepulchres of David and the Kings of Judah / Note on Kal’at Jalud / The Site of Jeshanah.
– 1878: October: Survey on Galilee / Lieut. Kitchener’s reports on the completion of the works / Prospects of the proposed exhibition to the Sea of Galilee / Zion, the City of David / Rabbah of the Children of Ammon / The position of Taricheae / The Itineraries of our Lord / The Site of AI / The Site of Kirjath-Jearim / Note on Gaza / The German Association.
– 1879: October: Notes on the Topography of the Sea of Galilee / Rimmon / The Nameless City / The Tomb of David / Nehemiah’s Wall and David’s Tomb / Note on the Two Pools / The Sacred Cubit – Test Cases / The Suppose Tomb of St Luke at Ephesus / Journey into Moab / Mohammedan traditions respecting Joshua’s Place of Sepulchre / The Stone Hat-Toim on the Ecce-Homo Arch / New discoveries in the North of Jerusalem.
– 1880: October: The Masonry of the Haram Wall / A Station of the Stone Age / The Hittite Inscriptions, Khita / The Sites of Gath and Megiddo / The River Kanah. New Identifications / The Topography of the Exodus / Hiding Places of Canaan / The Rock Rimmon and Gibeah. Phoenician Inscription found in the Pool of Siloam / Zelzah / The Nameless city / Rachel’s Sepulchre. Limits of error in Latitudes and Longitudes of places obtained during reconnaissance made in Palestine. The Sulphur of the Valley of the Jordan / Notes of a journey to Moab.
– 1884: October: Antiquities of Palestine in London / The route of the Exodus / Emmaus I & II / The Site of Zion / The Siloam Inscription / Notes on Kadesh Barnea.
– 1885: October: Professor Socin on the Survey of Western Palestine / New discoveries in Jerusalem / The Naturalist in the Wady Arabah / Yoma, or the Day of the Atonement.
– 1890: January, April & July: Discoveries North of Damascus Gate / Discovery of ancient cisterns near Jeremiah’s Grotto / Excavations on the Eastern Brow of Zion / Discovery of Rock-Hewn at Silwan / Further report on the Pool of Bethesda / Rock Levels in Jerusalem / Remains of Old City Wall / The Waters of Gibeon / Notes from Galilee / Norman Palestine / The Date of Eshmunazar’s Coffin / The Old Wall outside Jerusalem / The Tsinnor / Ku for King / Birds and animals new to Palestine / Notes on Ancient Axe-Heads / Jewish Lamps / The Way of the Philistines / Nehemiah’s Wall / Irrigation and Water-Supply in Palestine. Rock-Cut Cave at Silwan / Excavations at Aceldama / Greek Inscriptions on Tombs North of Damascus Gate / Cave at Saris, with curious figure / Irrigation and water supply of Syria / Ma’lula and its dialect / Essay on the sects and nationalities of Syria and PalestinE / A Hittite Prince’s Letter / The Seal of Haggai / Bezetha / Esau’s Head / Gihon / Site of Calvary / Nehemiah’s Wall / Ruins of the ‘Slime Pits’ in the Vale of Siddim. The work at Tell el Hesy / The Roebuck in Palestine / Mashita / The Site of Capernaum / The Cave of Adullam / The Place of Elijah’s Sacrifice / The Rev. Cara and the Hittites / Pella / New Hittite Bas-Reliefs / The Ma’lula Dialect / Greek Inscriptions / Mar Tukla / Mosaic and Embroidery in the Old Testament / Sunbirds / Nehemiah’s Wall / Stone Mounds on the Rephaim Plain / Waters of Merom / The Tsinnor / Irrigation and water supply in Palestine / The Stone of Zoheleth / Gihon / Defence of the Gutter (Tzinnor) / The Pool that was made / The Siloam Inscription / Sutekh, Chief God of the Hittites / Nehemiah’s Wall and the Sepulchres of the kings.
– 1891: July: Reports from Jerusalem / Letters from Herr Schick on: Discoveries in Solomon’s Stables / The Newly Discovered Arch in Solomon’s Stables / Excavations at the Golden Gate / Tombs and Ossuaries at Rujm el Khakir / Letters from Rev Hanauer on: A Subterranean Passage in Solomon’s Stables / Cuttings in the Rock in the Haram-Area / Ruins of Church on the Skull Hill, Jerusalem / The Holy Sepulchre / On the Relation of Certain Arch Springing found within the area of the Temple of Jerusalem / By Major Conder: Mahanaim / Altaic Letter from Tell Amarna / The Lachish Inscription / The Hebrews on the Tell Amarna Tablets / Baal Gad / The Gutter Not Near the Fuller’s Field.
– 1893: October: Letters from Herr Schick on: Old Jerusalem / St Martin’s Church at Jerusalem / Tabitha Ground at Jaffa / Baron Ustinoff’s Collection of Antiquities at Jaffa / The Site of Calvary / The Churches of St Martin and St John the Evangelist / Note on Ancient Weight found at Gaza / Note on the Inscription on the Monument of Red Stone with Reclining Figure / Religion of the Fellahin of Palestine / Major Conder on: Tadukhepa’s Dowry / Zion (or Acra), Gihon, and Millo / Paving Stones of the Temple / Discoveries during the construction of the Acre-Damascus Railway.
– 1896: April, July & October: Reports from Herr Schick on: Deir El ‘Adas / The Quarter Bab Hytta / A Remarkable Marble Slab / On Springs / A Large Stone Basin / The Latin Inscription at Neby Daud / Description of some Bible Coins found in Palestine / The Rock Etam and the Cave of Adullam / A visit to Arsuf / Barometrical Determination of Heights in Lebanon / Nehemiah’s Night Ride / The Kolonieh Inscription / Remarks on the Deserts of the Holy Land / Reports from Herr Schick on: Veronica’s House / Herod’s House / Mosque in the Street ‘Suweikat Allun’ / Church of Mar Jirias of the Greeks / The Coptic Mar Jirais Church / Some Old Remains – Abraham’s Convent / Chisel-Drafted Stones at Jerusalem / Construction of the Tabernacle / Seal from Hebron / The Onomasticon / A New Treatise on the Geology of the Holy Land and the Dead Sea.On a remarkable Tomb recently discovered near the Tombs of the Kings / The Church of the Ascension / Rev Dowling on: Kerak in 1896 / Two Roman Milestones at Wady Mojib / The Date of the Exodus / Serapis / Bible Coins / Where are the Sacred Vessels of the temple / An Armenian description of the Holy Places in the seventh century.
– 1897: January, April & July: Architectural notes on remains of Ancient Church at Pool of Siloam / Khan Ez Zeit / Remarkable sculpture at Mejdel / A journey to Petra / The visit of David the Reubenite to Hebron and Jerusalem in A.D. 1523 / Notes on the Hebron Haram / Stone dressing of Jerusalem, past and presenT / Libnah / The Valley Gate and the Dung Gate / Medieval Topography of Palestine / Topheth and the King’s Gardens / The Temple, the Church of the Ascension ad the finding of the Cross / Where are the Sacred Vessels of the Temple? / Palestine Pilgrim’s Certificate / Reports and papers by Dr Schick on The Kubbet Shekfee Sakhra / Newly-discovered Rock Block with Tombs / The West Wall of the Pool of Hezekiah / The Church at the Pool of Siloah / The Stone Hat-Toim / The Site of the Ascension of our Lord / Bethphage and Bethany / Jeshimon of the Bible / Remarkable Stone in the Jewish Quarter, Jerusalem, The Siloah Spring etc / Morals of the Fellahin / A journey to Petra / Dr Post’s ‘Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai’ / The Swatsica / Construction of the Tabernacle / Note on the Seal found on Ophel / The (so-called) Tombs of the Kings at Jerusalem / A Greek inscription from near Nazareth / Notes from Jedur / The Water of Jacob’s Well / The Damascus Railway / The length of the Jewish Cubit / Date of the Siloam Text / Note on Pierre Belon’s Travels / The Madeba Mosaic / The Tabernacle Roof / ‘Areos’, or ‘Arisu’, or ‘Aarsu’ of the ‘Harris Papyrus’.
– 1900: July: Second report of the excavations at Tell Ej-Judeideh / A Dolmen near Beit Jibrin / The Rock-Cut Tombs in Wady Er-Rababi / Cup-Marks at Tell Ej-Judeideh / Notes on Sculptured Slabs, Terra-Cotta Coffins and Rock-Hewn Vats / Inscribed Jar-Handles of Palestine / Mar Metri: or the Greek Convent of St Demetrius at Jerusalem / The Collection of Babylonian Tablets belonging to Joseph Offord / The Babylonian Tablet in the College Museum at Beirut / The Sun Standing still on Gibeon / Results of Meteorological Observations taken at Jerusalem / Lists of Casts ad Impressions of Stamps on Jar-Handles.
– 1901: July: Reports by R Stewart Macalister on: 1. The Rock-Cut Tombs in Wady er-Rababi, Jerusalem / 2. The Rock-Cut Chapel at Beit Leyi / 3. Tomb Kohl / 4. The es-Suk Inscription / 5. On a Sculptureal Cist near Tell Sandahannah /6. The Land of Promise, mapped in Mosaic at Madeba / 7. The Cufic Inscription in the Basilica of Constantine and the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by the Caliph Hakem / Recently discovered Mosaic at Jerusalem / Archaeological and epigraphic notes on Palestine / Jar-Handle Stamp at Cambridge, USA / Hebrew Inscription in Mosaic at Kefr Kenna / Woman in the East / The Site of Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre / The Ruin at Khurbet Beit Sawir / The Tombs of the Prophets ay Jerusalem.
– 1910: January, July & October: The position of the Altar of burnt sacrifice in the Temple of Jerusalem / The Handwriting of the Gezer Tablet / Greek Inscriptions from Damascus / Recent Hittite Discoveries / The German Excavations at Jericho / Rainfall in Jaffa / Unknown Palestine / The traditional Sites on Sion / The proposed excavation of Beth-Shemesh. Notes on the site and its environs / The Persian and Egyptian Affinities on the Jewish Royal Pottery Stamps / Sir Charles Wilson’s views on Calvary and the Tomb / The Immovable East / The Galilee of Josephus. The position of the Gabara, Jotapata and Taricheae / Table showing the Monthly Means of Meteorological Observations taken at Taberias during 1909 / Notes on New Literature / An Old Sarcophagus at Gaza.
– 1911: July & October: Three early explorers in the Dead Sea Valley / The Bedouin of the Sinaitic Peninsula / Discovery of Roman remains near the Great Mosque at Damascus / Greek Inscriptions from the Decapolis / Dead Sea Observations / Transliteration of Hebrew and Arabic Consonants. The Ancient Site of ‘Ain Shems / The Discoveries at Samaria / Gleanings form the Minute-Books of the Jerusalem Literary Society / Recently found Inscriptions relating to Roman Campaigns in Palestine / Gibeah of Saul and Zela. The Suite of Jonathan’s Home and Tomb.
– Report on the Pilgrimage to Mecca.
– 1913: January, April & October: The Philistine City of Akelon / Commemoratorium de Casis dei vel Monasteriis / Gibeah at Adaseh / Table showing the amount of rain which fell in Jaffa during the last ten seasons 1902-3 to 1911-12. Dibon: The City of King Mesa and of the Moabite Stone / The Bedouin of the Sinaitic Peninsula / An inscribed Jewish Ossuary / sixteen Councils of Jerusalem, from c. A.D. 50-1 to A.D. 1672 / Some early Palestinian Martyrs before the Orthodox Greek Patriarchate was created in A.D. 451 / Pi-Hahiroth, ‘The Mouth of the Canals’ / Meteorological Observations taken in the City of Jerusalem, 1912.

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