Pentateuchus Syriace, Ex Polyglttis Anglicanis Summa Fide Edidit M. Georgius Guilielmus Kirsch.

Kirsch, Georg Wilhelm & Saint Ephraem Syrus.

Book ID: 36471


8vo. xxvi, Preface in Latin, 452 pp., of Syriac text, +xviii, 48 pp., of Latin & Syrica Appendix, contemporary half calf with rubbed marbled boards, week spine, partly detached, all edges red, occasional spotting, otherwise in good condition, Hofae Leipzig, Ad. Frid. Boehmio, 1787.


Saint Ephraem Syrus (born c. 306, Nisibis, Mesopotamia [now Nusaybin, Turkey]—died June 9, 373, Edessa, Osroëne [now Şanlıurfa, Turkey]; Western feast day June 9, Eastern feast day January 28) was a Christian theologian, poet, hymnist, and doctor of the church who, as doctrinal consultant to Eastern churchmen, composed numerous theological-biblical commentaries and polemical works that, in witnessing to the common Christian tradition, have exerted widespread influence on the Greek and Latin churches. He is recognized as the most authoritative representative of 4th-century Syriac Christianity. Pope Benedict XV named him a doctor of the church in 1920.

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