Picturesque Scenery in The Holy Land and Syria delineated during The Campaigns of 1799 and 1800.

Spilsbury, Francis. B.

Book ID: 7595


4to. viii, 70 pp., 19 hand-coloured aquatint plates, unobtrusive blindstamp verso each plate, contemporary green half-morocco, rubbed, original printed green label on upper cover, title gilt on raised spines, shelfmark on lower spine, from the library of Col. Miles, G. S. Tregear, London, third edition, 1823.


Francis Spilsbury was surgeon on board H.M.S. Tigre during the campaigns of 1799 and 1800. The first view shows the Tigre at Acre (March 1799), having brought Sir Sydney Smith to defend the city against Napoleon’s impending siege. British and Turkish interests combined after the French landing in Egypt and the Tigre led a naval force that acted in support of Turkish armies which finally relieved Acre and forced Napoleon’s retreat into Egypt. The views are mostly connected with the coastal towns of modern Lebanon and Palestine, while official business with the Grand Vizier in command of the army, Jezzar Pasha of Acre, and other Turkish officials provided opportunities for some inland travel. Besides historical description the text gives some account of the military campaign and the Turkish dignitaries.
A first edition of this work was published in five parts in 1803. A second edition appeared in 1818 (without the portrait).
The plates are as follows:
1- The Grand Vezirs Tent (frontispiece). 2- View of Acre & H. M. Ship Le Tigre. 3- Jezzar Pasha Condemming a Criminal. 4- Sidon. 5- Tyre. 6- Daniel Bryan. 7- A Market in Acre. 8- A Burial Place at Beirout. 9- Zeta Near Jaffa in Syria. 10- Arab Huts at Zeta. 11- A Dance at Genin. 12- Mount Tabour. 13- Joseph’s Pit and Well. 14- The Lake of Tiberia. 15- Jacob’s Bridge. 16- Tripoli. 17- Dede Near Tripoli. 18- Caesaria. 19- The Pilgrim’s Castle.
Biographical references: Abbey 383; Atabey, 1169; Hiler 811; Colas 2788.

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