Rapport sur les Recherches Effectuees a Baouit en 1903 + Quelques Remarques sur la XIe Dynastie. TWO ARTICLES IN ONE VOLUME.

Palanque, Charles & Henri Gauthir.

Book ID: 34801


4to. 21 pp., 6 figures / continuation 23-40 pp., 17 b/w plates. contemporary half-calf, spine lightly rubbed at spine extremities, small label with reference number taped on lower spine, otherwise copy clean inside & in good condition, extract from the Bulletin Francais d’Archeologie Orientale, Cairo, no date, circa 1920’s.


The kom of Bawit covers a surface area of 40 hectares and is located some 80 km north of Assiut, near the village of Dashlout. It holds the ruins of a monastery founded by St Apollo at the end of the 4th century. Excavations on this relatively well preserved site have allowed for the study of different aspects of a Middle Egypt monastic complex, including the monumental architecture represented by the churches located in the centre of the kom, as well as residential and workshop structures. The wealth of written documentation, whether ostraca, dipinti, papyrus or inscriptions, provides information regarding the daily life of the monks and their relations with the outside world.

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