Reformirten Predigers zu Constantinopel Reyse nach Jerusalem und dem Land kanaan, aus Licht gegeben und mit vielen Anmerkungen erkläret und aufs neue vermehret … von Johann Henrich Reitz.

Myrike, Heinrich & J.H. Reitz.

  • Placeholder

Book ID: 32372


12mo. [12], 156 pp., [12 index], steel engraved frontispiece, 1 in text engraving, 1 engraved plate, German text in Gothic script, titles in black and red, modern cardboard covers, small stamp of F.F. Hofbibliothek on lower margin verso frontispiece, Johann Jacob Haug, Idstein, 1719.


Rare early edition. “The account of the journey begins at the Dardanelles, Jan. 15, 1684; it was first published in complete form in 1719, and the second part added later” [from Weber reviewing the 1789 edition].
The author travels with the preacher of the Dutch Reformed embassy to Constantinople; Heinrich Myrike goes with him to Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
The theologian Reitz adds to the report with theological and general comments. Provenance: From the Donaueschingen Court Library.
Bibliographic references: Weber II, 421 for 1789 edition; Reeds 1200th – See Tobler 114 Reeds, pilgrimages, 395.

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