Spanish Islam. A history of the Moslems in Spain.
Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne.
First French edition appeared in 1861.A comprehensive history of Islamic Spain from AD 711 to 1110. This thoroughly researched account of Spain from the Omayyad to the Almoravid invasions also went through German and Spanish editions. Dozy had this to say about this book:’It is with extreme diffidence I give this history of the world. In it I traverse ground hitherto unturned, for -as I have elsewhere tried to demonstrate existing treaties on the subject are wholly valueless. They are all, in fact, based on the labours of Conde-on the labours, that is to say, of a writer who had but scanty materials at his disposal, who was unable, from the inadequacy of his linguistic attainments, to understand the documents to which he had access, and who lacked the historic sense’. [Quoted from Monroe, P. 58]. Palau 76116.