Syria. Revue d’Art Oriental et d’Archéologie Tome XIII, 1932. Premier Fascicule Only.

Periodical / Journal.

Book ID: 15336


4to. 112 pp., profusely illustrated in b/w photographs, figures, plans, publisher’s original wrappers, foxed and disbound, otherwise copy clean inside and in good condition, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris, 1932.


Contents are as follows:
I- Les fouilles de Minet-El-Beida et de Ras-Shamra, troisieme campagne (Printemps 1931), rapports sommaire. By Claude Schaeffer.
II- Les peuples issus de Japhet d’apres le chapitre X de la Genese. By E. Dhorme.
III- Antiquites Syriennes. By Henri Seyrig.
IV- L’Exposition d’art Persan a Londres. By Gaston Wiet.

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