Syria. Revue d’Art Oriental et d’Archéologie Tome XLV. FOUR FASCICULES IN ONE VOLUME

Periodical / Journal.

  • Placeholder

Book ID: 20115


4to. Fascicules 1 & 2: 204 pp / Fascilcules 3 & 4: pages 205 - 435., b/w plates, figures, plans, bound modern hard back, original wrappers preserved, Unopened, biblio, index, copy in mint condition, Publié par l’Institut Francias d’archeologie de Beyrouth, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris, 1968.


A complete set for the year 1972. Highlights of some of the studies published includes the following:
I- Trois vases du bronze, by J. Margeron.
II- Notes sur un stele de Hatra, by S. Downey.

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