Tarikh al-Kamil wa Bihamishihi Tarikh Muruj al-Zahab wa Ma’adan al-Jawhar lill Imam abi al-Hassan Ali B. Hussain al-Mas’udi. TWELVE VOLUMES IN SIX. تاريخ الكامل وبهامشه تاريخ مروج الذهب ومعادن الجوهر

Ibn al-Athir abi al-Hassan Ali & Al-Mas’udi, abi al-Hassan Ali ibn Hussain

Book ID: 35308


4to. Volumes 1: 7 pp. contents + 254 pp./ Volume II: 4 pp. contents + 220 pp. / Volume III: 7 pp. contents + 206 pp. / Volume IV: 6 pp. contents + 224 pp./ Volume V: 8 pp. contents + 226 pp./ Volume VI: 8 pp. contents + 180 pp./ Volume VII: 8 pp. contents + 182 pp./ Volume VIII: 12 pp. contents + 236 pp./ Volume IX: 12 pp. contents + 230 pp./ Volume X; 12 pp. contents + 246 pp./ Volume XI: 11 pp. contents + 214 pp. / Volume XII: Tarikh al-Kamil wa Bihamishihi Rawdat al-Manazir fi ‘Akhbar al-’Awa’il wal al-’Awakhir: 8 pp. +198 pp. lithographed Arabic text within border, paper slightly browned, some foxing on the last & first few pages, modern hard back binding, published by Ahmad al-Halabi & Muhammad Mustafa, Cairo, 1303 A. H./ 1886.


The al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh (The Complete History), is one of the most important Islamic historical works, organised into several volumes, years, and subsections. Each volume is divided in chronological order into years. Each year has several sections committed to major events, which are not necessarily in chronological order. These subsections include major political events, the appearance of groups such as the Franks or the Tatars (Mongols), and major battles like the Siege of Jerusalem of 1099.
The Muruj al-Dahab (Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gem) by al-Masudi is an historical account from the beginning of the world starting with Adam and Eve until and through the late Abbasid Caliphate and medieval Baghdad.

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