The Origins and Early Development of Shi’a Islam.

Jafri, S. H. M.

Book ID: 25079

ISBN:      9953101906


8vo. xii, 332 pp., cloth in d/w, biblio., index, Arab Background Series, copy in min condition, Longman Group & Librairie du Liban, London & Beirut, 1990.


In this book, Dr. Jafri has reconstructed and presented the development of an Islamic ideal in the form of Shi’ism that of a particular vision of religious leadership which derives its authority directly from the person of the Prophet, and which therefore enjoys divine sanction in deciding all issues of conscience. He traces the Shi’a response to this ideal, from its origins among a group of the Prophet’s Companions until the Imamate of Ja’far as-Sadiq, by which time all the fundamental elements of Shi’ism had appeared.
The Arab Background Series provides the English speaking, educated reader with a series of books which attempt to clarify the historical past of the Arabs and to analyse their present problems. The contributors to the series, who come from many parts of the world, are all specialists in their own fields. This variety of approach and attitude creates for the English-speaking reader a unique picture of the Arab World.[from the preface]

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