The Political Doctrine of Al-Baqillani.

Ibish, Yusuf.

Book ID: 4885


8vo. [4], 208 pp., cloth in soiled & worn round the edges d/w, notes, biblio, index, light foxing to endpapers, otherwise copy inside clean & in very good condition, Publication of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, American University of Beirut, first edition, 1966.


The Author discusses the attempts made by Muslim jurists to justify Ijma’ of the Umma or Shar’i basis, the theory of Al-Baqillani (d. 403/1013) is the most detailed and the most comprehensive account we have on record. As for as we can determine it is also the earliest and the most precise formulation of the Sunni theory of the imamate drawn on the Ash’arite line.

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