Travels to The Coast of Arabia Felix: and from thence by the Red-Sea and Egypt, to Europe. Containing a Short Account of an Expedition undertaken against the Cape of Good Hope. In a Series of Letters.

Rooke, Henry.

Book ID: 19113


8vo. xi, 222 pp., recent quarter calf with marbled boards, bound without the half-title, old staining to pages 131-135, otherwise copy in very good condition, R. Blamire, London, second edition with additions, 1784.


Rooke’s narrative comments on the expedition dispatched in 1781, with the object of capturing the Cape. He was a Major in the 100th Regiment of Foot. He visited Cairo, Jeddah and Mocha (on the Yemeni coast). The four letters dealing with Arabia give besides the description of Jeddah and Mocha, together with notes on the military capabilities of the Arabians as well as on the coffee fleet.
Bibliographic references: Gay 116; Mendelssohn IV, p. 77; [Macro, Bibliography of the Arabian Peninsula 1936]

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