Viaje a Oriente de la Fragata de Guerra Arapiles y de la Comision Cientifica Que LLevo a Su Bordo… THREE VOLUMES IN FIVE.

Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de La. 1495-1550.

Book ID: 19180


Folio. Volumes I & II in two Parts each. Volume I: [1], 422 pp., 8 steel engraved plates / pages 423-767., [3 ], 16 steel engraved plates, several chromolithographs / Volume II: 376 pp.,10 steel engraved plates, some chromolithographs / pages 377- 727., [2], 16 steel engraved plates, several chromolithographs / Volume III: 233 pp,. [2], 16 engraved plates, 1 plan of Baalbeck, half-titles & titles printed in red & black, contemporary red decorated gilt cloth, lightly rubbed round edges, some pages browned, scattered foxing, otherwise a good set, Emilio Oliver y Compania, Editores, Barcelona, 1876-1882.


First edition. This is a description of the work of the Spanish scientific expedition to the Levant in 1871. The plates are after drawings by D. Ricardo Valasquez, artist of the expedition, but also after other prototypes, for example several are after Preziozi. Plates depict views of Alexandria, Athens, Jerusalem, Damascus, Beirut, the Bosporus, Constantinople, Abydos, Baalbeck, Bazaars, Turkish women, Malta, Sicily, and other Mediterranean scenes.
Bibliographic references: Atabey 1008; Not in Weber, Blackmer or Cobham Jeffrey; Atabey 1008; Palau 24595.

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