Voyage Nouveau de la Terre-Sainte enrichi de Plusieurs Remarques Particulieres qui servent a l’Intelligence de La Sainte Ecriture. Et de Diverses Reflexions Chrétiennes qui Instruisent Les Ames Dévotes dans La Connoissance & L’Amour de J.C.

Naud, Michel. Le R. P. [or Nau] 1633-1683.

Book ID: 27110


12mo. [19], 671 pp., [1], contemporary full calf, title gilt on raised decorated spine, all edges gilt, Ex-libris Joseph Xaupi, Book plate of Paola & Bertrand Lazard, endpapers and front fly leaf soiled, otherwise copy in very good condition, André Pralard, Paris, first edition, 1679.


First edition was published anonymously in 1679. Naud (1631 – 1683) was a member of the suite of Marquis de Nointel, French ambassador to the Porte, during his voyage in the Eastern Mediterranean in 1673-4. He joined the ambassador’s suite only to Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. According to Sommervogel, Naud left Paris in 1665 to enlist in the Levant Missions. Tobler ascribes to Naud an earlier work, Le Voyage de Galilée, Paris, 1670, which describes a journey Naud carried out with the French consul Bonnecorse at Sidon, in 1665. Naud returned to Paris in 1682. He also wrote “Ecclesiae romanae graecaeque vera effigies”, Paris, 1680, and “L’État présent de la religion mahometane”, Paris, 1684.
Bibliographic references: Tobler p. 110; Röhricht p. 271 – 2; Schur no. 148; Weber II, no. 416; Saulcy no. 296 – 7.

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