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Heinrichs, Wolfhart & Gregor Schoeler.(Eds.)

8vo. xv, 284 pp., [2], German, English & French text, publisher’s original wrappers, slightly foxed and rubbed, otherwise coy clean…


Aubert, Jeanne.

8vo. 112 pp., French text; 10 plates hors text, 1 map, publisher’s original wrappers, lightly worn round edges, biblio, annex,…


Beeston, A. F. L.

8vo. Extract 20-23 pp., 3 b/w plates, original printed wrappers as issued, from The Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society,…


Al-Moqaddasi, Shams Al-Din Abi Abdallah Muhamad.

8vo. lv, 429 pp., French text, publisher’s original wrappers, unopened, biblio, glossary, cover lightly foxed with minor soiling to outer…


Beeston, A. F. L.

Small 8vo. 177-180 pp., original printed wrappers as issued, biblio, illustration, from The Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, London,…


Elboudrari, Hassan (Ed.)

8vo. xvii, 286 pp., [2], French & English text, publisher’s original wrappers, Institut Francais D’Archeologie Orientale Du Cairo, 1993.


De Baye, Le Baron.

8vo. 48 pp., 2 plates & 6 illustrations in text, publisher’s original wrappers, cover slightly soiled & worn round edges,…


Massignon, Louis.

4to. vii preface in French, 252 pp of Arabic text, publisher’s original wrappers, title in Arabic & French, index, preface…


Loisy, Alfred.

Small 8vo. xx, 372 pp., French text, publisher’s original wrappers, faded and detached, few ink markings in margins, Librairie Emile…


Siroux, Maxime

Folio. viii, 316 pp., 29 b/w plates hors text, 1 large folding map, figures, plans, half title, original cloth, title…


Loisy, Alfred.

Small 8vo. viii, 204 pp., French text, publisher’s original wrappers, faded, worn & detached, paper browned round edges, Libraririe Emile…


Goldziher, Ignaz/ Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali..

8vo. 112 pp., [1] of German text, 81 pp., of Arabic text, Veroffentlichungen Der De Goeje-Stiftung No. 3, Unopened, publisher’s…


Maggs Brothers Catalogue.

8vo. 31 pp. b/w illustrations, publisher’s stapled wrappers, Maggs Bros Ltd, bookseller's Catalogue No. 1208, Maggs Bros Ltd, London, 1996.


Bloomsbury Auctions, New York.

4to. 375 pp. colour illustrations throughout, pictorial boards, index, Bloomsbury Auctions, New York, 2008.


Bell, Richard.

8vo. x, 190 pp., cloth in slightly torn d/w, index, Language & Literature Series, No. 6, few marginal markings in…

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