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Barbey, Caroline and William.

Folio. French text, 183 pp., 1 double page map, 11 plates of which 2 in colour, each plate has a…


Meinertzhagen, Colonel Richard.

4to. xiii, 624 pp., 35 text maps, 1 folding in rear-pocket, 53 text figures, 19 colour plates, 9 b/w plates,…


Wood, Casey A. & Fyfe, F. Marjorie. (translators)

4to. cx, 637 pp., colour frontis, half title, title, original green cloth with gilt decoration on spine, double column text,…


Abbas Pasha al Awal.

4to. Arabic text, Volume I: A study of ‘Abbas Pasha Manuscript: 465 pp. / Volume II: A facsimile of the…


Catalogue. University of Oxford Botanic Garden.

8vo. 203 pp., publisher’s original wrappers, copy in mint condition, University of Oxford Botanic Garden, 1999.


Kelly, Kathleen & R. T. Schnadelback.

4to. 182 pp., profusely illustrated in b/w photographs, numerous figures, cloth in lightly soiled d/w, biblio, copy in very good…


Davenport, Homer. 1867-1912.

8vo. xviii, 276 pp., frontispiece portrait., 50 b/w plates, decorated boards, very clean and bright, with illustration in vibrant colour…


Talhouk, Salma N. / Amy Zenger (Editor).

8vo. 151 pp., English and Arabic text, profusely illustrated in colour, Hard Back Binding, biblio, New, translated by May Makarem-Hamady,…


Exhibition Catalogue.

4to. 92 pp., frontispiece, numerous illustrations in and hors text, contemporary half calf, rubbed round edges, faded spine gilt, title…


D’Aubusson, L. Magaud (1847-1917).

8vo. viii, 272 pp., half title, later half morocco, rubbed round edges, title gilt on raised spine, original printed wrappers…


Edmond, Christophe.

4to. Part I: Grande et Petite Venerie - Historique: lxxvi / Part II: Grande et Petite Venerie - Réglementation, Législation,…


Bemert, Gunnar & Rupert Ormond.

4to. 192 pp., profusely illustrated in colour photographs, cloth in d/w, appendix, index, copy in mint condition, Kegan Paul International,…


Mountfort, Guy.

8vo. 192 pp. b/w photographs, introduction by Sir Peter Scott, cloth in d/w, appendix, biblio. index, Hutchinson, London, 1978.


‘Abd al-Sabur Mirza Muhammad.

Folio. Text within borders, three parts, each with double-page opening and colophon, dedication before first part and fihrist for all…


De Canteleu, Le Couteulx & General E. Daumas.

8vo. Volume I: Etude sur l’histoire du Cheval Arabe: 67 pp., vignette on title & half-title page / Volume II:…

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