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El-Hage, Badr.

4to. 144 pp., Arabic text, frontispiece map, end paper illus. profusely illustrated in sepia colour photographs, hard back binding in…


Debbas, Fouad.

Folio. Brown cloth folder, [11 Introduction in English], reproduction of 60 sepia colour plates, 3 maps, set in mint condition,…


Caraion, Marta.

8vo. 391 pp., b/w illustrations, publisher’s original wrappers, biblio., index, Librairie Droz, Geneve, 2003.


Gordon, Sophie / Badr El-Hage/ John McCarthy & Alessandro Nasini.

Oblong 4to. ( 279 x 260 mm), 256 pp. profusely illustrated in b/w & some colour photographs, 1 map, cloth…


Crociani, Paola.

4to. xiii, 105 pp., 1 map, numerous b/w plates, cloth in d/w, copy in very good condition, Garnet publishing Ltd,…


Wheelhouse, Claudius Galen

4to. Volume I: ‘Narrative of a Yacht Voyage In The Mediterranean 1849-1850’ 253 pp., original hand written text by Wheelhouse…

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