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Rich, Claudius James, 1787-1821.

8vo. xxxiii, 398 pp., / viii, 410 pp., 2 large engraved frontispiece folding maps, 11 lithographed plates (one folding, 2…


De Lamartine, M. Alphonse. (Collected & Trans.)

8vo. xvi, 204 pp, 2 figures, hard back in lightly soiled d/w, list of tribes at rear, previous owner’s inscription…


Munro, John M.

8vo. 112 pp., numerous b/w photographs, 1 map, hard back binding in dust wrappers, end paper maps, Caravan Books, New…


Raswan, Carl R.

8vo. 277 pp., b/w photographs, hard back in d/w, copy in mint condition, George Olms, Hildesheim, 1978.


Loftus, William Kennett.

8vo. xvi, 436 pp., engraved frontispiece, 3 folding maps, 3 plates, illustrations in text, original cloth, faded & worn cover,…


Beylie, Général Léon-Marie-Eugène de 1849-1910.

4to. 146 pp., 100 figures, 14 b/w plates, half-title, modern cloth, new endpapers, original wrappers preserved and tipped on fly…


Rich, Claudius James, 1787-1821.

8vo. xlvii, 324 pp., 25 plates, 1 folding plan, half-title, contemporary half calf with marbled boards, slightly rubbed round the…


Fraser, James Baillie 1783-1856.

8vo. Volume I: viii, 382 pp., steel engraved frontispiece / Volume II: viii, 477 pp., steel engraved frontispiece, contemporary cloth,…


Keppel, Captain George.

8vo. xii, 338 pp / vii, 328 pp., 1 folding map hand-coloured in outline, 4 hand-coloured aquatint plates, of which…


Al-Haddad, Mihay Fadlallah.

8vo. 133 pp., Arabic text, b/w photographs, translated from Hungarian by Tha’ir Saleh, publisher’s original wrappers, index, copy in mint…


Musil, Alois.

8vo. xv, 426 pp., frontispiece map, 57 photographs, 2 folding maps in rear pocket, original cloth stained in red ink…


Laurie, Rev. Thomas. 1807-1844.

12mo. xii, 418 pp., [4 adverts], engraved frontispiece portrait of Thomas Grant signed, 12 wood engravings of which 9 are…


De Rivoyre, Denis.

8vo. 320 pp., [2], double page frontispiece view of Aden, 10 wood engraved plates, 1 folding map, later half-calf, marbled…


Thesiger, Wilfred.

8vo. 233 pp., 3 maps, 110 b/w plates, cloth in clipped d/w, glossary, index, copy in very good condition, Allen…


Raswan, Carl R.

8vo. 277 pp., [10 Hutchinson publication list], frontispiece, 70 b/w plates, endpaper maps, contemporary cloth, weak & faded spine, previous…

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